web design and development jobs in kolkata


December 15, 2021 Imagic

Web Design and Development Jobs in Kolkata :

Website design and development is very demanding career with good salary packages. But lots of time we don’t have clear idea about how to start a career in web designing and development. So, here are some guidelines for you.

Why Website Development is a demanding Career?

Today  we are dependent on internet. From searching school result to train ticket. We open websites even in our smart phones. Now-a-days people surf social sites in leisure time. In this digital world website is very important for every organization to advertise, promote and sell their products. So, demand of developing new websites and maintenance  is increasing rapidly.

For this reason there is a surge of demand of website designers and developers. In India fresher are easily get absorbed in job with lucrative salary. Even experienced can earn a good as a freelancer  from home.


Scope of a Website Developer :-

Knowledge of a web developer can be used in different sector. They are needed in –

  • Digital marketing companies.
  • Website designing companies.
  • Website theme development companies.
  • Big corporate houses having digital team.
  • E-commerce companies.
  • Any business as a freelancer.


How to become a Website Developer ?

Website gives us lots of information just with a click of mouse. You can see pictures, videos, information even from your mobile also. But it takes lots of knowledge to make it very user friendly. Here are some guidelines.

Level 1

  • First we need to create a web page design in Photoshop. Then we convert it into HTML.
  • When a PSD or Photoshop file is ready in HTML then we need some more coding. You might have heard of Div, CSS, Web 2.0, Dreamweaver etc. All these coding are needed to complete your first static website.
  • Now you can upload it in server and show it to the world. Your first static website is ready.

You can gain all this knowledge in six months of time.

click here to learn.

Level 2

Now when you have learned the technique of creating a website now it’s time to make it responsive.

  • Need to learn CSS3, HTML5, WEB 3.0 etc. To make website more attractive you can put Jquery animation. You can use Bootstrap also. These knowledge helps you to create a responsive website which is very easily visible as per the device screen size.
  • when you have gained all the knowledge of developing a good responsive website now it’s time to make it visible in search engine also. Some knowledge of SEO- Search Engine Optimization is needed by developer to make it SEO friendly.

Another six months is enough for gaining this knowledge. You get a very good job demand as a front end developer.

click here to learn.

Level 3

You have already learned front end development. Now you need to learn back end development.

Dynamic website with a good CMS is mainly developed in word press nowadays. So word press and PHP with My SQL is needed to learn. Dynamic website helps to change contents very easily without any development knowledge. Dynamic Word press website are very much in demand.

click here to learn.


Who can learn?

Anyone after 10+2  can start learning website design and development, no prior programming knowledge needed.


Best time to start learning  :-

You can start learning  web development  with college so that you can get a job early just after finishing your Graduation.


Job Opportunities in Kolkata :

The jobs for a Web Designer and Developer  are-

Web Site Designer

Web Site Developer

Front End Developer

Back End Developer

Freelance Website Developer

You can have more job information just click here

Where to learn the course of Website Designing and Development in Kolkata :-

IMAGIC gives most professional training in Website Designing and Development in Kolkata.

 Click here to know more..

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