web design course


December 20, 2021 Imagic


web design

Are you wondering, what you have just read above? If your question is “Is this possible?” Then the answer is “Yes, it is very much possible”. The meme is fun, but its “truth” cannot be underestimated.

Further truth – “It’s just me on my laptop at home in my casual. I’m still leading an efficient web designing team (“me”) and I’m still keeping my clients satisfied. Rewards in the form of money and recognition are definitely there. Work from home is not merely a financially unstable part-time job for me, but a source of steady monthly earning and recognition at the same time. And, I’m looking forward to the more satisfactory professional growth”


What’s the truth?

For a web designer, the “truth” goes beyond the four walls of a conventional workplace. And, here is where dynamism of the profession lies. Its scope is infinite.

In this post, we will walk you through “figures” or stats backing our claims here. However, before that let us consider the scenarios presented below:

  • Abhik works as a corporate employee in a financial firm. The paycheck, however, doesn’t take away the monotony of his job. He is a foodie and his only “creative” outlet at present is “food”. He tries different dishes at the new restaurants—- likes cooking (but obvious!) and notes down his own recipes.
  • Rohan has earned his Mechanical Engineering degree and is unemployed. He is looking for a breakthrough—just needs to figure out the right way.
  • Shalini has got her own home-based artisan bakery. She has her own Facebook and Instagram pages . However, she still thinks she can only take the “next leap” with an improved web presence.
  • Sayani is a freelance content writer. She has been writing blogs, articles and web contents, but just like Abhik, monotony isn’t sparing her. She is looking for new avenues to explore.  She has already written a lot about web design—its basics, the most popular trends, its growth as a profession and she is considering this as an alternate career.   
  • Deboleena is a fashion designer and has started a small boutique. She conducts her business offline. She needs to grow her business——by reaching out to more people. She knows there is a huge online community of fashion designers, fashion enthusiasts, and beauty bloggers. And, most of them have “websites” informing people about the work they do, their design sensibilities and “price tags” ruling their creations.



Consider all the scenarios. Let us tell you that web designing has something or the other to offer everyone. However, to establish the credibility of what we’re saying, let us learn a few terminologies.

Graphic Design

Graphic Designing is the art of blending visual and textual content—i.e. a tool used in magazines, advertisements, and books. The scale of a graphic designing project can be as diverse as is it can be imagined.

Graphic designers can be employed for designing postal stamps. They are also hired to create postal signage stamps.

Web Design

Graphic design is just a part of a way wider concept – i.e. web design. Web designers are hired by businesses for the variety of skills and disciplines.

They handle the creation and maintenance of websites. Designers use proprietary software and standardized codes to get their job done. Java, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript are a few of these codes.


This is different from website designing. Web designing is associated with the aesthetic aspect and web development is more about functionality. Web developers take the appealing but “non-interactive” design and then render a more functional shape to it.

It’s with the help of HTML and more dynamic programming languages that modern web pages are created.

Advanced web development includes the seamless use of Content Management Systems like Word Press and Joomla that allow clients to maintain their sites in their working condition.

The figures speak for themselves

Now for the stats backing up the tall claims we have been doing so far. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment associated with web designing is predicted to grow by a whopping 27% by 2024. India alone has over 7 Lac websites. As transactions shift online, web design is set to experience substantial growth.

Businesses are quick to cash in on our increased “mobile” dependence. India is set to lead the global penetration of smartphone devices by the year 2022. The country has over 30 crores smartphone users in recent times.It will end up playing a crucial part when the global smartphone user base reaches over 5 billion by 2022. Mobile-first websites will experience exceptional momentum.

 Web design accommodates incredible freelancing opportunities.

All it needs is the guidance from the best web designing course in Kolkata to help you grasp the required skills and you can take up projects sitting at home. Find out which clients you would want to work with, fix your rates, plan out your own work schedule and then work on projects.

How can a web design course help you?

Now, coming back to the scenarios offered above. Think about how Abhik can explore the creative milieu of graphic designing. How he can start and manage his own food blog to reach out like-minded foodies through his blogs, aim for future collaborations with restaurants or start his own food venture as well! The possibilities are endless!

While the unemployed Mechanical Engineer can use his academic (read Science) background to carve his own niche as a self-employed, even Shalini would need to step up efforts towards building a stronger web presence for her business by building a website.

Why pay money to professionals?

Why not seek help from a credentialed Web design training course in Kolkata to give wings to her dreams?

Why not create her own website all by herself?

Why not learn the hacks to address website issues on her own?

Here is where good mentor-ship helps. Professional training courses can act as the virtual “offline community”—where you will end up gaining core knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and others. Not to forget Photoshop or any other graphics editing software.


Then again, web design courses are not about gaining new skills like PHP, Java, CSS, and 3D Animation among others. It’s a lot about building self-worth. Reading this, you might as well have significant ideas flooding your mind. How about giving an enduring “online face” to your business? How about starting your own freelance business? How about a lucrative side-hustle?

The question–however–is–where is it you start from? The answer is by seeking help from a reliable web design course at Kolkata.

By allowing yourself the guidance of a faculty with excellent web designing knowledge you will pave the way for more rewarding opportunities for yourself.
What more? Even web developers should learn the nuances of web designing just to ensure that they can take care of the aesthetic needs of the website. With due knowledge, a developer will differentiate between an appealing website and a visual “failure”.

An empowered web developer working in collaboration with a designer will only result in creating a more refined website.

Web designing promises “more” than a good pay packet

Web designing is regarded as a rewarding career choice not only for the high salary, but also for the opportunities it presents. We have already told you about freelancing opportunities at length.

But what we haven’t told you yet is that freelance web designers are often hired by the simple word of mouth. What we already haven’t told you is that they don’t have to go on “knocking” clients to find out if they are in need of designing sites or not.

Designers enjoy a steady demand in the market

Web sites have become such an invincible part of businesses that designers end up enjoying a sustained demand in the market—– the kind of demand which is not going to wane soon!

Last but not the least, let us tell you that qualified graphics and web designing courses in Kolkata might as well turn out to be the most worthy investment you can consider in recent times. It may be the perfect start to your career. Or, it may become the perfect vehicle for career advancement for you!


Various other Career Opportunities.

Apart from getting Job as a

  • Website Designer
  • Front-end Designer
  • Website Developer

you can also become your own boss. You may also look for various other career options such as

  • Web Content Specialist
  • Search Engine Optimization specialist
  • Digital Marketer

What should you do?

Just ensure that you are choosing from among the best names in the industry. There is no dearth of such trainers functioning in Kolkata. However, not all of them are credentialed to provide the right direction to your career.

Blame it on the poor quality of the faculty or the improper duration of the course (there are so many of them finishing courses too fast)–some training institutes fail to offer insights or guidance needed to provide the right push you would need.

So, it is important to avoid institutes that have already got a bad rap. Trust the ones that have earned the appreciation of students. Don’t forget that it takes time to research. The dream you have nurtured so far will find their wings with the perfect web design course. Spend time to research backgrounds of several training institutes before selecting one of them.

To start learning web design from scratch just click here

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